mindfulness-based stress reduction COurse


Places on an MBSR course con only be reserved once payment has been received in full. Following receipt of payment, participants complete a registration form and telephone consultation. A participant can only start the group after both the registration form and consultation have been completed.


If after the telephone consultation, MBSR is considered unsuitable by the teacher, participants will receive a full refund.

If a participant has paid and then wishes to cancel up to 7 days before the course has started they are eligible for a refund but will be charged a $100 admin fee. If a participant wants to cancel their place 7 days before the course has started or after the first class they will receive a refund of 50%. This 50% refund can only be claimed up to 5pm on the day before the second class. After this point no refunds are available. 

Should an unexpected significant life event happen, that prevents a participant from attending the course i.e. a new serious injury, death of a family member or debilitating illness, please contact the Melbourne Mindfulness Practice (Practice). Such events will be reviewed on a case by case basis, and at the Practice’s discretion participants may be eligible for a refund or future MBSR course credit note.

If minimum numbers are not met for the course to run, participants will be notified the Friday prior to course commencement. In this instance, participants will receive a full refund.

Day of Mindfulness Silent Retreat

Reservation policy

Places on the day are only confirmed once the registration form has been completed and payment made in full.

refund policy

The day of mindfulness fee cannot be refunded or transfered.


At present all courses, events and individual sessions are held online.